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order distribution中文是什么意思

用"order distribution"造句"order distribution"怎么读"order distribution" in a sentence


  • 次序分布
  • 次序分配
  • 阶分布
  • 序态分布


  • Study on order distribution of monolayer brazing grindingplate s grind grain
  • Based on these results , the ergotic of 1 - order distribution function of stochastic primary phase periodic process are derived ( corollary 2 )
    利用这些结果,讨论了随机初相位周期过程一阶分布函数的遍历性(推论2 ) 。
  • The thesis puts stress on investigating corporations how to shorten order distribution cycle and increase competitive activity
  • By successful cases , it testifies that using quick response system will eliminate the effect of order quantity thoroughly , greatly shorten order distribution cycle , decrease cost and satisfy the require of customers by fast transport . the thesis also testifies that by using information technology to redesign the process of the entire research and development 、 production 、 sale and after service 、 manage all order process with computers and reconstruct order distribution process , corporations make the order distribution cycle become shorter than ago
  • Beginning with construction of order distribution cycle time , it explains there are three factors : big lot disposal 、 low efficiency in order distribution flow and disharmony in order distribution chain that cause long order cycle time now , discusses the three factors how to cause long order distribution cycle , and brings forward two ways : using quick response system and information technology to solve these questions
用"order distribution"造句  
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